What is a zine? Well the answer to that is anything you want it to be! But if you are looking for a more concrete definition a zine is a mixture of a magazine and a pamphlet. Zines can range from being completely handmade to being completely digital and are often only distributed in small circulations. They usually focus on one topic that the creator (or creators) find interesting or want to explore and could be made by one person or a small group of individuals. The main point is, is that you can feel the personal care and consideration that goes into making each and every one.
Project: “843?” (the question mark is silent) aims to share content that recognizes issues and topics within Charleston’s local community. Some editions will directly revolve around history, culture, art and other aspects that make the greater Charleston area what it is and what it could be, while others will cover more general topics that can be applied every where.
For more information, to contribute to future editions of 843? zine or to contact any member of the team please email TINYisPOWERFUL@gmail.com