Tiny Is Sustainable



When in Charleston, pre-covid, Sarah Turquety, with a simple exercise in social awareness, transformed a disparate group of individualists into a cluster of community strong neighbors. Her poetry speaks of solidarity, militancy, family, nature. Her voice is spiced with a ray of sun. She is young and French, an artist living in a region of villages with 200 to 2000 inhabitants, in SW France

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by JEAN-MARIE MAUCLET This Lexicon has a reason to be: building a community of words which cover one of knowledge, which translates into one of purpose. TINY is one of those words. Our collective attaches it to POWERFUL and affirms: TINYisPOWERFUL. Why? Today, we...

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“Beautiful Tension”

people places possibilities ………push ..pull……….  Who's leading? Who's winning?  Whose [idea] [space] [business] [art] [work] [project] [process] is it, anyway? …………….push…… …pull…………………..…pull……..push don’t stifle creativity with plan-ing, prepare-ing, propose-ing,...

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Why Reynolds?

Why Reynolds?

Choosing to present the whole of cTOO's work at Reynolds brings the collective very close to the struggle for neighborhood revival. It EXPOSES it to the harsh realities of a rundown area, showing signs that speculators have started betting on it! Then: Are there...

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