feature image credit: Brad Nettles / bnettles@postandcourier.com Dear Mayor Tecklenburg, On behalf of conNECKtedTOO—> TINYisPOWERFUL, I need to congratulate you and your administration for choosing to remove the monument to JC Calhoun on Marion Square. I also would like to remind you that the Art presentation you inaugurated at the City Gallery at Waterfront Park […]
Read Morefeature image credit: Fresh Future Farm April Newsletter Dear Sir, This letter is in support of FRESH FUTURE FARM, as it is attempting to purchase – directly from your city, without an intermediary and at a fair price – the land it has been farming for many years, to the great benefit of its neighborhood […]
Read MoreQuestion: What have you learned from the episodes you have done / What has working on ILMTS” taught you? Rain – It has made me more open to what a podcast can be. For instance the editing style I used for episode 1 is completely different from episodes 2 and 3. I learned quite […]
Read Morefor conNECKtedTOO –> TINYisPOWERFUL (as published in Newsletter #12) CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL TEXT WITH FORMATTING WHAT DO I WISH TO SEE? A Tiny Business conNECKtedTOO… becoming …TINYisPOWERFUL: with a strong young leadership of mainly people of color. Thank you Victoria for your lead! able to protect and enrich the […]
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