MAY FIRST is the day to celebrate working people of all ranks, professions, occupations. That’s a lot of people! Pretty much everybody who does not make her/his/their money on the back of others, looking at the money tree grow and grow… forgetting that for the tree to grow, someone else prunes it, rakes its leaves, […]
Read MoreReynolds Avenue in North Charleston is where conNECKtedTOO chose to present its cumulated works, when it was time to unwind two years of collaborative art thinking and art making. Reynolds is far from the centers of Charleston’s culture, in a rundown urban neighborhood ripe for gentrification. That is if covid19 does not successfully mutate greed […]
Read MoreChoosing to present the whole of cTOO’s work at Reynolds brings the collective very close to the struggle for neighborhood revival. It EXPOSES it to the harsh realities of a rundown area, showing signs that speculators have started betting on it! Then: Are there policies shielding present residents from displacement? Will existing businesses be supported […]
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