Anti-Racist Book Study

This book study is being lead and developed by a group of educators in partnership with conNECKtedTOO –> TINYisPOWERFUL. Hosts/facilitators rotate selecting one book to focus on with the option of highlighting a children’s book and lesson every other month that links students & classrooms together. While  book choices and discussion questions are in some ways specific to educators, this book study will help facilitate greater awareness, healthier learning environments and will benefit children, households and communities. Participation is open to all.

For more information or to sign up for future lessons please email

Book 1 – Meeting 2 Agenda (July 28)

Book 1 – Meeting 2 Agenda (July 28)

July 28th 10:00 am-11:00am  Book: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond Book Study Norms: Be respectful of each other, and welcome varying opinions. If you disagree, do so respectfully.  Listen with an open mind--and no cross talking. Allow...

Book 1 – Meeting 1 Agenda (June 30)

Book 1 – Meeting 1 Agenda (June 30)

Discussion Date: June 30th 10:00 am-11:00am  Book: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond “True peace … suggests the triumph of justice and love among men; it reveals the existence of a better world where harmony reigns.” —Maria Montessori,...