Letter to Mayor Summey of North Charleston in support of Fresh Future Farm

Jun 28, 2020

feature image credit: Fresh Future Farm April Newsletter

Dear Sir,

This letter is in support of FRESH FUTURE FARM, as it is attempting to purchase – directly from your city, without an intermediary and at a fair price – the land it has been farming for many years, to the great benefit of its neighborhood and of the city of North Charleston altogether.
You must deal one on one with this remarkable African-American woman. It will only make you a visionary.
Germaine Jenkins’ dedication to the development of arable urban green spaces and access to fresh food for all, is a powerful way to save the area you administrate, from the coming devastation of climate change. All the popular movements and their present demands show that America will thrive or perish, based on the way it treats its most oppressed citizens.
As the Mayor of North Charleston, you have all the power needed to intervene in favor of Fresh Future Farm’s exemplary effort.

Thank you for your consideration.

JM Mauclet, for conNECKtedTOO —> TINYisPOWERFUL, an experiment by the Charleston Rhizome Collective
