Jun 26, 2020
Rain – It has made me more open to what a podcast can be. For instance the editing style I used for episode 1 is completely different from episodes 2 and 3. I learned quite quickly how taxing it was to try and edit people’s speech patterns. Once I got over that I was able to edit faster and felt less like I was intruding on what the conversation would end up looking like. Another thing I learned was that having more than 2-3 people can be a great thing. In episode 3 we had 4 people and it worked well. This was an unplanned experiment. During the planning we just thought to invite 2 people, but not that it would be 4 people there. This makes me wonder how much we can push this.
Aysha – I’ve learned the importance of a conversation and to really sit and ask questions, where you get to hear someone’s personality (how they are as a person) and you too see who they could have been in the past and imagine how they will be in the future. From Rain Rain : And how asking the right questions gets you more than just a yes and no.
Rain – We take a look at current events, and topics that spring from our personal conversations (between Rain and Aysha). They are for the listener whomever they are. But to be more specific for people in the south and people in Charleston. And especially black youth – the black youth part comes from asking younger people than us what they would start a podcast about.
Rain + Aysha – To foster a conversation where everyone involved feels like they are a part of what is being discussed and like the discussion means something to them and brings something to their life (and their other conversations).
Rain – It has given us language that we did not possess. We had been striving to apply ideologies we had no name for. We have always been in an environment that promotes Popular Education. But now we can apply what we already do with additional concepts. And we explain with more language what we are doing/experiencing
* The previous questions are a mesh up of what was asked by Gwylene and Victoria and Markelle for the “We Shall Overcome Grant”